Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Philsopher King Etchu Ayuk Brings To You, The Best Rappers From Cameroon. Cameroon Hiphop 237.

        MAAHLOX',Stanley Enow,Jovi,Killa Mel, Ra-syn,KOSY - MONI,Mic Monsta, Dareal. These are just some few big names in the rap business in Cameroon. Cameroon is on another level! Many degrees, but no job, so what are we Cameroonians supposed to do? hustle hard and smart! Cameroon is the heart of rap music in Africa. The Cameroonians are rapping in French, English, and broken English; these guys are doing a great job representing Cameroon in the art of rap. I want the world to watch the best rappers from Cameroon. Cameroon stand and pay respect to these great kings and queens of rappers from Cameroon. Africa represent, perfect your art in whatever you do. Do it to the best of your ability. The Philosopher King Etchu Ayuk loves what the Cameroonian youths are doing. Hustle hard and hustle smart. Cameroon Represent, Cameroon is for Cameroonians, France get out of our country.

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