Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Voice of Cameroon, Mr. Vallycool Cool Speaks His Mind.

22 things creative people do differently than the rest. If you're creative, you will understand.. Creative people are different. That's it. There's something charming and irresistible about them, somehow they manage to see the world from another perspective, and the things they do, the decisions they make are just different than what the rest of the people would usually do. But what really makes creative people stand out from the crowd, and which are the struggles they face everyday? The following list is dedicated to all the creative people out there, and why not to the non creatives as well, because in the end, we are all creative in our very unique ways. Here we go with the 22 things creative people do differently than the rest.
1. They get inspired at the least expected moment.
2.They daydream a lot. They are here but they are not. They can fly away with their minds at any given moment during a conversation. Don't be mad at them, it's just the way they are.
3. They get easily bored. They need to stay stimulated in order to stay active. They won't focus on something they don't like. Call the ADHD or whatever you like, this is just part of their genius.
4. The watch the world with the eyes of a child
5. They will fail, and you can be sure they will try again.
6. They are told to get a real job.
7. They will follow their hearts, even if often their mind thinks otherwise.
8. They work when u sleep and sleep when you work.
9. They get lost in time.
10. When most people see a difficulty, they see an opportunity.
11. They fall in love with their pieces of work, and hate them the day after.
12. They hate what they've just created, but will totally love it 12 hours later.
13. They are humble and proud at same time.
14. They are always looking at new ways to express themselves.
15. They procrastinate.
16. They see the other side of the coin.
17. They don't like boundaries.
18. They often don't like numbers
19. They are great observers
20. They always make new experiences.
21. They do it all over again.
22. They love everything, they love life, they love people, they love emotions, they love animals, they love beauty. They can stay in silence watching the most beautiful sunset they've ever seen, or be excited for the next big inspiration. No matter what, their love life is contagious, and if you have a friend or some like this, stick with them. They will make your life more beautiful!

By VallyCool Cool


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