Thursday, May 14, 2015

Culture Is King, Manyu People Should Never Forget Their Culture! Manyu Rise!

Boh Manyu, I, Etchu Ayuk has message for all Manyu children. Manyu people are very proud and intelligent people, I know because I am from Manyu. But we have to learn to be humble so that we can come together and build Manyu. Only us Manyu children can build our land. But to do that we have to learn to work together. Manyu people are proud to the point that they think they can do everything on their own. We let selfishness and greed get in the way of progress in Manyu. There are many intelligent people from Manyu with the resources to bring other great minds and build businesses which will help all Manyu people. It has being proven that we can not depend on the government for progress. So I will ask all the great minds from manyu to come up with ideas, ways and methods of how we can develop Manyu. I have learned that culture is king and the Manyu culture is one thing we should never neglect. I am the son of the late Vice principal of Eyumojock High School. Mr. Etchu John Ayuk, of Ewelle village, the grand child of Mr. Ayukabang Oru and Affangha Thomas Enow. Enjoy the culture of Manyu!

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