Saturday, May 16, 2015

President Paul Biya (Lion Man) Is The First And Last King President In Cameroon!

President Paul Biya also known as the Lion man has ruled Cameroon for over 33 years. Biya took office in 1982 from the late Great President Ahmadou Ahidjo. The government of France played a very sick trick to take out President Ahmadou Ahidjo and put Biya in presidency and France has supported Biya ever since he took the office. France has tremendous power over Biya and the 14 countries in Africa that speak french.
           Before becoming a president, Biya was a loyal prime minister but after becoming a president, Biya, the loyal prime minister showed his true nature to former President Ahidjo by forcing the independence leader into exile. Former President Ahidjo died in Senegal and his body has not been brought into Cameroon.
            The President King Paul Biya has shown the same ruthlessness over the years with allies who have displayed presidential ambition. The President king Biya is the king of corruption. He put one of his doctors, a former interior minister in prison for 25 years. The President king Biya appointed ministers and sacked them years later without the ministers ever meeting the President King Biya. On the international front the Presidential King Biya acted like a true KING that he is by forcing one of the most powerful countries in Africa to hand over the prized Bakassi Peninsula.
         What is the meaning of 'president king' ? President(ial) kings are leaders who are elected by the people but when they get to the presidency, they forget about the people and act or behave like kings by staying in the presidency for over 10 years and more. Some presidential kings in Africa are Biya and the President of Angola, Jose Eduardo dos Santos. From Cameroon to Equatorial Guinea to Angola, to Uganda, Sudan, Chad, Eritrea, Algeria, Djibouti, Rwanda, Togo. All these countries have presidential kings, leaders elected by the people but displayed a different face when they got to power.
           Presidential kings usually represent the negatives of African leadership but I will like to address some positive ones. Presidential king Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe, a strong king and chairman of the African Union represents one of best idea of a presidential king in Africa. Africa sometimes needs presidential kings, men who are bold enough to stand against Western influence. Speaking of Western influence, the LGBT movement which is supported by U.S. and most Western nations is pushing very hard to sell their bullshit to African nations. The LGBT movement should stay in the West. Homosexuality is a Western idea, it is a Western culture and should not be accepted in Africa. It should never be promoted in Africa and Nollywood needs to stop that nonsense!
             The promotion of homosexuality has been condemned by most people of Africa and the leaders who represent the people, have also condemned homosexulity. I can proudly say this to the West: your idea of homosexuality that you are selling, well Africa and Africans are not buying, so please keep homosexuality in the West. The President of Gambia made a bold statement which I Etchu Ayuk agrees to. This is the statement "The world is doomed because US supports LGBTs". I did not read the article but from this statement I will explain to the world why it is doomed.
             The legalization of homosexuality will lead to the demise of US and the US's power across the world. The process towards legalization of homosexuality has split U.S. into two. Republicans are completely against it and they are fighting hard to stop the legalization of homosexuals. Then we have those who are for homosexuals, the LGBT movement is also fighting very hard to legalize homosexuality. If the supreme court legalizes homosexuality, this will be the destruction of U.S. as we know it. When two unstable forces collide, guess what, it is explosive like an atomic bomb. The child birthrate is dropping and with the legalization of homosexuality, many men and women will not have children. Mankind has survived since we were created through procreation. Without procreation, America will lack the future leaders, teachers, scientists, work force, military force and so on. Procreation is required to continue the human race but if the supreme court legalizes homosexuality, America is on the part of self-destruction.
              U.S.A has removed Gambia from trade agreement but countries in West Africa and the entire Africa need to have free trade with each other. All countries in Africa are made up of our brothers and sisters. Many African countries choose to trade with countries from the West but they forget about their brotherly countries next to them. Yes it is true that certain things need to change in all African countries but we Africans need to change that. Remember blacks in U.S.A have been killed by the police(the government), since Africans were taken from Africa and brought to America to become African Americans. The government of the West also kill their own people. It is not right to kill people but governments do it, white people kill black people everyday. The president of Gambia should put homosexuals in prison but he should not kill them. Homosexuality should not be accepted in Africa. Africans need to stand against it.
             The idea of Pan-Africanism started to circulate around the mid19th century and has continued into the 21st century. Pan-Africanism is the only way forward for Blacks and Africans to survive in this world. Blacks/Africans have had the biggest genocide in history, genocide that was and is still carried out by whites or by Westerners. Black men and women are being killed by the police everyday in the U.S., what is the government doing about it? Black men and women in the U.S. are jampacked in prison cells for little crimes done by whites but the whites are not in prison. Some of them are leaders, politicians etc. So to move forward Africans need to continue with the legacy both started by African Americans and Africans. The continuation of Pan-Africanism is called the Pan-African Party Movement. A political movement that will unite Africans and African Americans. The leaders of Africa need to support the Black Leaders in America and across the world where black people are found. I want to add one more point to why U.S is the most powerful nation in the world: U.S. is made up of 50 states, Africa has 54 states or 54 countries. A united Africa is a more prosperous Africa. Africa needs to unite through systems and support each other while respecting each country's independence.


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