Sunday, May 17, 2015

PKFR(Philosopher King Family Records) Has Been Reborn Into PKRS(Philosopher King Records)

         Philosopher King Records(PKRS),a music company owned by Etchu Ayuk, Nji Fornishi aka H-Croxx and Queen Enow. The first artist to be produced by PKRS is Banye Augustine aka Bansoboy. I will let y'all be the judge of his talent. I know that is one of the most talented artists from Cameroon and PKRS will help put him on the the map. If you love his talent support Banye Augustine. H Croxx and Queen Enow are working on a song. PKRS artists are made of talented Cameroonians who are here to hold the world in their hands and shake the world like a soccer player with a ball. Banye Augustine aka Bonsoboy is working on a  new album that will be coming out soon!

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