Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Itai Kunonga, The Fight Of Words Is Over But The War Continues. Life Is War!

Life is war, Itai Kunonga and you have started a war of words to prove your intellectual superiority with the philosopher king. I will not back down and I hope you don't either. I had to block you on Facebook to stop the foolish, stupid and illiterate exchange of negative words so that I can make it even bigger. It is said if you don't have a solution to a problem, make it big. And I intend to make this big because I have been looking for someone who is bold enough to challenge me. The more challenges one faces in the world, the more we grow and mature even better. Itai Kunonga, we both have exchanged negative words but I want to turn the negativity to positivity because you can criticize people all you want, that will not change anything if you are not doing anything positive. You said you are intelligent, I want you Itai Kunonga from Zimbabwe to prove to the world how intelligent you are.
       As I earlier said life is war.In Eastern philosophy, they believe that life is war, in Western philosophy, they believe that life is war and they both practice this idea that life is war. You can observe from their military prowess from the East as well as West. For Africa to survive and thrive we must think like god kings and god queens and act like soldiers or like warriors or more like generals because life is war. Be bold my African brothers and sisters. If there is something that you need to do to survive, go out there and take it, think hard, think big and think smart. The world we live in is war-like; an eye for an eye tooth for tooth, all nations practice it and they do it. So the philosopher king Etchu Ayuk wants to prepare your mind, prepare your spirit, by practicing African spiritualism and we must keep our body in shape because life is war. You have to be ready for anything, use your brains. Cameroon or Cameroonians, we must kick Biya out and his entire team that works for him because they all have killed many Cameroonians or contributed in killing Cameroonians. They have killed Francophones as well as Anglophones. We Cameroonians must stop tribalism and we must stop this issue of Francophone and Anglophone because we are all Cameroonians and most of all we are Africans. To stop Biya we must drive France out of Africa.

         To stop France, all the 14 countries in Africa that speak French must unite and send a straight message to France, the people of France or the French government that we want them out of Africa. No more shall we take this nonsense or bullshit! never again! From Burundi, to Chad, to Republic of Congo, to Equatorial Guinea, Togo, Benin, to Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Guinea. All the 14 countries need to come together and send a message to France that we are sick and tired of their bullshit and we want them out. United these 14 countries can defeat France easily. lets fight the fight our forefathers have prepared us for. life is war, let's prepare our minds, our spirits and our bodies to fight this war. Africans, stand up and represent! you are black and proud. Africa is for Africans, lets control our continent like Europe, like America, Like China but let's do it the African style. I am not afraid to take a stand against France.All Africans need to take a stand against France, the most deadly and manipulative country from the West. Britain is straight forward but France is a snake, a devil and they are out to kill us. Most people have not realized it because they do it in a snake-like kind of way. They are literally killing us softly. They use our own leaders to kill us while taking everything for themselves. France owns all those 14 countries, we are still slaves to France, still slaves and we must kick them out one way or the other. I have had enough with France and I am taking a stand against them.

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