Monday, May 11, 2015

My Dear Cameroonian Sister Miss Loreta Nulla Has Spoken. Cameroonians, Africans, And The People Of The World, Dress According To Your Size.

         This was a short video but it was very insightful to watch and it is educational as well as entertaining. Ladies and gentle men, we all have to dress according to our sizes. This is what Miss Loreta Nulla is saying in this video. I myself have noticed how poorly people dress during the spring and summer. It is very improper and not fashion wise to put on a very small dress when one knows that their size is a 'large' or 'extra larg'e. All the cellulite shows when one has on a dress that is very small for him or her. So just put on a proper dress for your size. It is more respectful to yourself and to others. My dear sister Loreta, this was a very funny video. I was laughing so hard and I just had to share it.

Dress Accordingly
Posted by Loreta Nulla on Monday, May 11, 2015

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