Sunday, May 10, 2015

Real Time with Bill Maher: In Defense of Free Speech (HBO)-U.R.A( Universal Religions Of Africa Stands "In Defense of Free Speech"

 This is from the self-proclaimed philosopher king, Etchu Ayuk. Any human being on earth who shoots another human being because of a cartoon about Mohammed, the prophet of Arab Religion is considered a fool in my book. No human being has the right to kill anyone for whatever reason besides self-defence. Mohammed is a prophet in the Arab religion but he is also a man who died whatever years ago. He is a man not a God and even if he is or was a God, no human being has the right to take the life of another.
          Many Muslims have been speaking against freedom of expression. Using whatever reason or reasons to abolish freedom of Expression. I Etchu Ayuk considers you as fools. How can you use freedom of expression to fight against freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is given by our creator, by our God, by Obassi which is the translation of GOD or the Creator in my traditional language. Muslims can not use freedom of expression to speak against freedom of expression. The constitution may stand with freedom of expression but freedom of expression was given to us, the human race through our creator. So be quiet about that, you foolish Muslims. If you want to get mad, get angry but I am using my freedom of expression given to me by my creator to express my mind to the fullest of my ability, to its fullest capacity.
         To the Christians or Catholics who brought Christianity to Africa by killing and forcing the people to change, you created Jesus to be the son of God or God, I say that is bullshit! So Jesus is the son of GOD or GOD, and you consider human beings the children of God. Hmmm! interesting! So I am a child of God and I am a male which makes me the son of God. If I am the son of God or a child of God, then that puts me on the same level as Jesus and if I am in the same level as Jesus, as the son of God then that will make me God like Jesus. To walk the path of Jesus or to walk the path of God, I have to think like me and act like me just like Jesus did when he was alive.
         Christians or Catholics brought the Christian religion to Africa by using force, killing many lives of my forefathers, of my own people just like the Arabs who brought the Muslim Religion to Africa. And they also killed so many Africans to achieve their dreams, their goals and their agenda. Which  means their goals or agenda was not Godlike or Godly. Since Christianity and the Arab religion came to Africa, the people of Africa have never been the same. The African Christians are weak and have been controlled since Christianity came to Africa. The African Muslims are very radical. In other words there is no balance, but for Africa or Africans to move forward there must be a balance.
          The only way forward for Africans is to go back to their original religion, the African religion, African spiritualism.  We Africans must redefine ourselves, our ideas, our goals, our agenda in other to move forward. My African brothers and sisters, we must embrace change in other to make Africa better, stronger, faster, and with more intelligence. We Africans must unite through a system. We must embrace our tribal roots while fighting against tribalism. Tribalism must not be promoted in Africa because it kills us Africans. Tribalism takes lives, we need to protect lives. It is time to have discussions for the way forward. We must stop fighting among ourselves, we must stop xenophobia in South Africa, Africa is for all Africans and Africa should welcome diversity because Africa is very diverse.

   MA’AT (Truth and Justice), The Spirituality of the African race.

Except for the Africans, every race or tribe in the world has its own spirituality and religions. The Jews have kabbalism, Indians, Hinduism and Buddhism, Chinese, Confucianism, Caucasians, Christianity with their own son as the son of God; Arabs, Islam with their son as Allah's messenger. Africans are the only race in the world besotted to their masters' Gods and yet Africans invented spirituality and religions. This document is a very important one and is for your own good. As a book, it would cost you money to acquire but we are sending it to you free of charge. Do not abuse the gesture, treat the document with respect. If you cannot read all of the document at once because of time constrains, file it to read later to arm yourself well for the future. Every African receiving documents from me is free to post them on their timeline and send copies to everyone they can reach via e-mails, through blogs, other internet groups, sites or newspapers to publish as a means of informing every African alive and mobilizing us into one family

          I Etchu Ayuk, the self-proclaimed philosopher king believes in Africa and in the people of Africa but we must come together to solve the problems that plague us. The knowledge and wisdom can be acquired if we believe in ourselves and act on what we believe. Spiritualism is a way to enhance ourselves, to make us better so that we can live our life to the fullest. Every human being is unique and different although alike but we must find our own way using spiritualism. Africans, let's unite and fight against injustice, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere", The great Martin Luther King Jr. made that statement. If Africans open up their eyes and use their hearts and  ears to listen, we Africans will realise and come to the conclusion that there is injustice everywhere in the world and we must fight against it. Rise my future leaders, rise my African brothers and sisters, be bold and speak your mind, this world is yours, believe that and go out and take on the world. This is the philosopher king, the god-king of U.R.A (Universal Religions of Africa), the African Hitler, the Alexander of the 21 first century. 2015 is the year to fight against all injustice, it is the year for black or African people to rise and control their world. Black Power!

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