Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"No Room for Gays In Kenya", Says the Deputy President.

The deputy president of Kenya is only relating what the people of Africa have spoken highly against. Homosexuality is not part of the African culture, it is not part of our ways. The people should stand firm on this particular issue. Homosexuality is a disease and like all diseases, it needs to be eradicated. William Ruto, the deputy presdient of Kenya, made remarks at a church service on the Sunday, the U.S. Secretary of state, John Kerry arrived for talks. The United States has been at the forefront of calls for gay rights in Africa and criticizes morality laws on the continent.
       I am just laughing as I read the last statement. "Morality laws".U.S.A is big and quick on passing judgement on other nations. Lets talk about Morality laws. Lets look at the history of the United States. How has U.S.A treated black people? Is discrimination or lynching morally acceptable? Is killing black people by the police morally acceptable? Look, before U.S.A passes judgement on other nations, they should clean their own nation first. Black people are being killed from left to right, discrimination, racism. Black people have the lowest job rates. I don't want to talk about the dollars.
       Let's continue on morality. What gay or homosexuals are doing is immoral, illogical, anti-nature and inhumane. Mankind has survived due to the fact that we as human beings procreate, and to procreate, a relationship between a woman and a man needs to exist. A man sleeping with another man will never lead to procreation. A woman sleeping with another woman will never lead to procreation.The only way for us human beings to survive is through procreation which is done through a man and a woman. If that is not logical enough for any human being, then that human is a fool! Gays want special rights in the society. Why should we give them when what they are doing could lead to the destruction of mankind. Imagine that U.S.A accepts and passes the law for 'gay right's. The gay movement becomes cool and every human being in U.S.A decides to be gay or practice it. Where will the next generation come from?
      Now the philosopher king Etchu John Ayuk Jr, from Ewelle village, South West region, Cameroon, Africa and a citizen of the world will take the time to explain why Africa should not accept money coming from the West. What I mean is that African countries in general should not accept money donated by the Western governments because that money comes with strings attach to it. Accepting the money means that the African countries have to give in to the demands that the West demands for. For example homosexuality is not an African culture but they are pressuring the governments in Africa to give a pass to homosexuality. The West even says it is immoral to treat homosexuals in the way Africa or Africans are treating those who practice homosexuality. And I say 'practice' because it has been proven that homosexuality is not genetic, people choose to practice homosexuality. Keep this in mind my African brothers and sisters, the Republican party is fighting a war with those who practice homosexuality. The talk of legalization of homosexuals has split America into two. Many black leaders are supporting Republicans who have spoken boldly against homosexuality. I will recommend that the African leaders should support the republican party.
       This is proof that homosexuality is not genetic via an except from this website;; "Twin studies— The strongest evidence over the last decade, studies of twins have provided some of the strongest numerical evidence that “Our genes do not make us do it”— which makes this chapter probably the most important in the book. Results from twin studies are quantitative, so they greatly focus and sharpen the results of many other studies we’ve mentioned so far. In a nutshell, if you take pairs of identical twins in which one twin is homosexual, the identical co-twin (a monozygotic (MZ) twin) is usually not homosexual. That means, given that identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. No one is born gay. The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors".
       Now I have stated that African leaders should not accept Western donations,so how will the leaders make money? There are many ways African leaders and the people of Africa can generate income so that Africa should not depend completely on the West or on the East: Africa is the richest continent in the world when it comes to resources but those resources are not distributed correctly and those resources are not controlled by Africans or the African leaders. The West has a lot of control over the natural resources and now we have the East fighting to also control the resources. Oh some people might say that it is not true  that the West controls the resources, but they do, through our leaders, through the companies that the West brings to Africa. A perfect example is President Biya with France. France controls Biya and Biya controls the people of Cameroon. Most of the resources in Cameroon are used by France. For over 35 years Biya has controlled Cameroon and France supports Biya because Biya gives them what they want, which is the natural resources. It has been proven that the West takes out 6 times what they give. How is the possible? The African leaders have to be held accountable for this.
          How can Africa generate money so that they don't have to acquire money from the West? The best way to do that is for African countries to form strong relationships with their neighbouring African countries. Kenya is part of Eastern Africa and Kenya is part of Africa in general. From Kenya to Uganda to Somalia to Ethiopia to Eritrea to Rwanda, to Tanzania to Zambia to Zimbabwe to Mozambique to Malawi to Burundi and Madagascar to Mauritius and Comoros. This is a recommendation and this is one way to strengthen Africa. I will say that I am stealing an idea from China with the new banking system called 'brics'. To strengthen Africa I will recommend that countries from each regions should form banks, for example the countries in Eastern Africa should form a bank called the 'Eastern African Bank'. The 'West African Bank' should also be formed, 'Central African Bank' and the 'Northern African Bank'. I want the youths of Africa to talk about this because Africa needs to get away from Western control. This is a bold step that needs to be implemented. The funds contributed by each country can help develop each country and during hard times Africa can come together to help fix problems that arise. We don't need to depend on funds from the West when they take 6 times more than they give.
        Life is war and we Africans must fight for our survival. If we don't we will perish. Homosexuality should not be accepted, should not be welcomed in Africa. The leaders must talk about this, the people must talk about this, and this notion that when Africa has problems they should run to the West to solve them needs to stop. Has the West ever brought their own problems to Africans to solve? No.We Africans have to take the initiative to bring to light the issues that concern Africa and it does not matter if you are not from that country. Speak your mind if you notice any issue in any country, we are all Africans and we have to stand up for Africa, the motherland.

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