Tuesday, April 14, 2015

U.R.A(Universal Religions of Africa), The Philosopher King AKA The Black Hitler supports White pride but stands for Black Pride(Black Power)

     That is good, I support White pride worldwide. My black brothers and sisters, we need the Black Nationalist Party, that is how we can stop the killing of more black people. Look at the White people, they are strong in organization, we blacks need to have a strong organization for as well. As Tupac once said, in a place to relax, "we don't have to dress up like Hollywood but more like Hollyhood". Just like the African Union is made stronger, the Black Nationalist Party in U.S.A needs to be made stronger.

Troublesome 1996 (2015), blacks are being murdered from left to right by the police. Things need to change. We need to show the world how black people feel inside. We need to tell the damn police that we blacks are not going anywhere. That United States and the world also belongs to black people. We need all the troubled brothers and sisters to come out and march in Washington D.C. Blacks need to come together, unite as one and send a message to the world, to the white nations and to all the other races that we Black people have contributed in this world and we will continue to contribute. The government needs to respect us Black people and protect our interest.

Blacks must unite and make the Black Nationalist Party stronger. If you pay attention to what is going on in the world, in life just like in business, it takes a group of people to make it possible. Corporations are ruling the world. Blacks need to create their own corporations. Organizations or parties have power and influences through the government. For example religions like the Christianity have power, and influence because it is an organization. And the government is made up of people, for example if you look at the people in high places in the government, who do you see my Black brothers and sisters? you see White people. That is how change is implemented. To make change we the black people must have our own organizations, our own political party and the only way is to re-create the Black Nationalist Party all over United States. where there is a black man, in the United States, we should have the Black Nationalist Party and all Black people should be involved. If there is an occasion going on, get involved, represent yourself.

Change must be implemented. The Black Nationalist party must be reformed and the Black Nationalist Firm must be formed. In this Black Nationalist Firm, Black lawyers will look into individual black prisoners who have put in prison for the wrong reason and fight their cases. Through the case the Black firm could prosecute the American Justice system for putting black people for the wrong reasons. For example there is an organization called 'National Rifle Association'. This is an organization which is pro-gun. If there is such an organization for guns why can we Black people not have our own political party that will uplift us and prepare us mentally, physically and spiritually so that we could embark on the journey that we have to, in order to protect ourselves and our Black nations? Black people across the world, listen to the knowledge, and the wisdom that the Great Honorable Minister Farrakhan invested in his words. This is a great man with knowledge and wisdom in the black community not just in U.S.A but across the world, where Black people are. He is a great leader and I aspire to walk the same step that he is walking. In other words I aspire to have the knowledge, the wisdom and the power he has, say what you mean and mean what you say. Knowledge is power and the youths in South Africa need to acquire knowledge and stop doing the nonsense they are doing to foreigners. Foreigners did not take your land, White people did. That is where the problem of South Africa lies.

 I Etchu John Ayuk Jr. From Ewelle Village, son of Mr. Etchu, grand-son of Mr. Ayukebang Oru and Mr. Enowbuta Thomas Affangha, The greats. I am proud of my genetic inheritance and all black people, all Africans should be proud of their genetic inheritance. I am pro-black because I am Black. Blacks, Africans stand up and stand tall. Be proud of who you are and where you come from. There is no black inferior, all blacks are superiors, all blacks are kings and queens, believe in that, represent that and you could reach your majestic heights. Life is war, life is sacrifice, think big act big and you realize your dreams. This message is from the philosopher king, the god-king of U.R.A(Universal Religions of Africa) aka the African Hitler. 

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