Friday, April 10, 2015

The Script - Hall of Fame ft. Believe in yourself and you will do the impossible.

     Africans, black, the people of the world, we all can do the impossible, we can climb mountains, we can do what Moses did, we can do what Jesus Christ did, we can control our own world, as long as we believe and act on what we believe. We can do all what the saints did because the saints were human beings and we are human beings. It is in us, we can be the greatest. The world is your oyster, the world is your hands. Africans, blacks our leaders are moving towards the right direction to better our continent Africa and to better the area where ever blacks are. So do you parts by using your innate abilities given to you by the creator, Allah, Obassi, God. It does not matter what you call you God, your creator so long as you believe in something and try your best to do what is right.
    Since the creation of mankind, we have always tried to move forward, tried to better ourselves, our minds, our thinking and our actions. Mankind can move forward through procreation not through homosexuality. Self improvement has always been the strife for all human beings since the creation of humans. Lets take this zeal to improve ourselves and to make our countries, our continents, and our world a better place for all of us human beings. Africans do what is right for you and what is right for the people, strive for perfection, you might not get there but you will sure make a lot of improvement and in the process you are living your life.
     Education has always improved humans individually but collectively, it has always being difficult. If one observes the world, one will notice that there are so many conflicts, alot of mayhem, chaos and destruction of life. Although education, religion and organization have done a lot of good in the society, they have also done a lot of evil/destruction. Now the issue is how do we solve these issues? Well I will explain how:
      The first thing that must be done is to get involved. Cameroon can not solve the problems if they she doesn't get involved. Each adult (in Cameroon an adult is 21 years old) should get involved in the issues, in the problems. We can not solve anything if we do not voice out our opinions.
      The second thing is to be organized. It does not matter where you are, you must organize and voice out your opinions. To Cameroon and to all countries in Africa, the solution to solving our African problems and our black problems have already had a solid foundation, we just need to build on that foundation. Pan-Africanism is the foundation, now we the youths have to build on that and make it into a world wide phenomena. I want my true Pan-Africanist writers to express their minds to the fullest of their ability. Don't hold anything in, if you see an issue that is happening in a country that has black people any where in the world and you have something to say, say it. All black people are Africans and all Africans are blacks.
     I am an advocate for what I call 'The Pan-African Party Movement'. We blacks talk about Pan-Africanism. It is time to take it to another level. Lets talk about it in our neighborhoods, to our friends, and  have meetings. It is time to mobilize and strategize, it is time for action. I encourage thinkers, writers, orators, men and women who believe in the course of Pan-Africanism and who believe in change. There is power in unity. The government can not kill 10 million Cameroonians in Yaoundé. The government will feel the impact and the power of the people. And I want that when that momentum starts let it continue and spread all over Africa. After the government listens to us, we should not stop there, the reason I call it a party movement is because it can be a political party and a movement. We can elect our leaders and if our leaders are not doing a good job we can fire them and put someone who will do a good job. I want a Pan-African Party Movement from  Algeria to Angola to Benin to Botswana to Burkina Faso to Burundi to Cameroon to Cape Verde to Central African Republic to Chad to Democratic Republic of Congo to Republic of Congo to Cote d'Ivoire to Egypt to Equatorial to Guinea to Eritrea to Ethiopia to Gabon to Ghana to Guinea-Bissau to Kenya to Lesotho to Liberia to Libya to Madagascar to Malawi to Mali to Mauritania to Morocco to Mozambique to Niger to Nigeria to Republic of Djibouti to Republic of Guinea to Republic of Namibia to Republic of South Sudan to Republic of Sudan to Republic of Tunisia to Rwanda to Sao Tome and Principe to Senegal to Seychelles to Sierra Leone to Somalia to South Africa to Swaziland to Tanzania to The Gambia to Togo to Uganda to Union of Comoros to Western Sahara to Zambia to Zimbabwe.
    The fact is black people need to wake up and see reality for what it is, if you don't fight for yourself, no one will fight for you. Life is war and you have to fight for it. I will use a real nice explanation given to me by a friend. Prince Ekosso from Cameroon, a potential future president in Cameroon. A leader, very intelligent guy with bright ideas and a potential leader for Africa. This was what he sent to me when we were having a conversation. " I can’t help but imagine…how many sperm cells were released when my mum and dad met? Between 50 - 500 million sperm cells… according to research. Meaning that approximately 250 million sperm cells dashed towards the egg for fertilization. So l competed with at least some 249 sperm cells in my mother’s womb and guessed who won? I did. So please STOP telling me that ‘I am one in a million’. I am ONE in 249 million. If l could outsmart 249 million sperm cells then what can stop me? Please try next door for you can’t stop a guy like this!!!"
   In other words before we were born we fought our way just to be selected by the egg and took 9 months to be born into the world. We are already fighters. To achieve anything in this world we have to fight but we have to fight intelligently, smartly, with all our senses. Lets put our differences aside and fight for a real course that will change Africa and us for the better. This movement is not just a movement about leadership, it is a movement to tell the world that Africa is for Africa and the rest of the world must respect that and if they don't we will not do business with them. It is time to put pressure behind our leaders even if they don't like it. If they don't want pressure behind them, then they should not accept leadership roles. Africa is for Africans.

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