Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Philosopher king, Etchu Ayuk, A.K.A The god-king of U.R.A (Universal Religions of Africa) A.K.A the Black Hitler wants to concentrate on the topic of South Africa Xenophobic Violence.

       To my South African black brothers and sisters, you have being bamboozled by your leaders, foreigners did not take the jobs in South Africa, White people did. Foreigners are struggling like you are struggling in your own country. Even if the foreigners who are blacks from other African countries leave your country, nothing will change. Black South Africans will still lack jobs and still suffer. Even if you kill all the Black foreigners you, my Black South African brothers and sisters will still struggle. Do you know why? I will tell you why.
      South Africa is really controlled by Whites not Blacks. The fact that you have a president who is Black does not change the fact that you don't own your own land, the White South Africans own most of the lands. The White South Africans own most of the wealth. If you really want to change your situation killing other Black Africans will never solve your problems but if you listen to me I will tell you how to solve your problem.
       My Black South African brothers and sisters, you guys are facing the same situation America is facing. Do you know why? I will tell you why. Unlike America, in South Africa, the Whites who came and settled in your own country, came in your country with weapons and killed many Black South Africans but in the United States of America the Blacks were brought from Africa as slaves into America. Now why did I bring up history and why am I comparing South Africa and United States? Well because the issues they face are similar, they are the same. You don't see African Americans going around killing Africans in the United states. They don't because Africans are not the problem just like the Black foreigners are not the problem in South Africa.
       The problem in the United States is the government and White people who control almost everything just like in South Africa the White South Africans control everything.
        Now to change your situation, killing people will not change anything, it will only show how evil, how foolish, how stupid and how uneducated Black South Africans are. If you really want to make an impact in South Africa, my Black South Africans, first, you must come together, you must unite through the movement of pan-Africanism. You must create the Pan-African Party Movement in South Africa. Select your leaders who will represent you guys. Talk about the issues you face and challenge the system with intellectual superiority. That is how you can change your plight. If you continue killing people, this is what will happen either you will get killed by the police forces or you will be put in prison. Be smart, use your heads and hearts to solve your problems. Killing foreigners will never solve anything. The world is changing and the Black South Africans must change with the world.
       The African Union has being made stronger and the African Union will not answer to the West or ICC. We Africans will solve our problems, our issues and this issue happening in South Africa shows that the President of South Africa and the leaders are not fit to do their jobs if they can not protect the citizens or foreigners. If this issue is not solved it will warrant the African Union to get involved. Killing a 14 old child or any foreigner for whatever reason is madness. My African brothers and sisters speak about what is going on in South Africa so that we can put pressure on the African Union so that they can take the final step to put an end to this madness.
       Africa is on the rise, we need positive things to happen that will lead to prosperity not death of our African brothers and sisters. All countries in Africa have faced a lot of wars, chaos, mayhem and or genocide. We have to move into a bright future not spin back into chaos. We have to use our minds and hearts to solve the problems we face not our fists and weapons. If you have a problem with someone talk it out, you should not fight it out. Fighting leads to bloodshed and we do not need more bloodshed. It is time for peace and the president of South Africa and the leaders must do their part to solve this problem. That king in South Africa is a fool.

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