Monday, April 27, 2015

The Philosopher King- Etchu John Ayuk Jr. Crowns Tupac Shakur A GOD-KING Of U.R.A(Universal Religions of Africa). The Philsopher King Examines the Philosophy of Tupac.

     There is knowledge and wisdom in the music of the late rapper, Tupac. I will highly recommend the music of Tupac to all black people in the world. The philosophy of Tupac is perfection. I listen to the knowledge Tupac invested in his music and try to decode it,understand it and apply it. To me, Tupac is a god. His message relates to me because I am a black man just like him. Jesus Christ does not represent me, unlike  Tupac, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Kwame Nkrumah, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, Nelson Mandela and Muammar Al-Gaddafi, just to name a few. There are many black heroes and heroines that blacks can choose from as role models and as their god. Jesus Christ does not represent me. Jesus Christ represents the white people. My Cameroonian brothers and sisters, my Nigerian brothers and sisters, my Malian brothers and sisters, my African brothers and sisters, please rise, don't keep being silent. I know you are going through pain and suffering, but life can be better. You have to act and in other to act, you must think, to think you must look for the knowledge that relates to you. Life is war, life is sacrifice. Stand up for the truth my African American brothers and sisters.
 I am playing this to all black people in the world. A little more courage to stand for what is right and to come together to fight against injustice. Black people have always witnessed and been in many genocides. The Arabs brought their religion to Africa and in order for that to happen, they had to kill many Africans. Muslim Religion is not an African Religion, although it can be used to fight for injustices in Africa. My African brothers and sisters, my extended family, I am speaking to you because we Africans can do better, we blacks can do better if we come together, if we unite through the issues that affect us, that afflict us. I want to encourage any black or African brother and sister to speak against xenophobia which is afflicting South Africa. In 2015 we Africans must stop all genocide and unite through our struggles and make Africa stronger and extend to the world wherever black people are, because they are part of us. Don't forget about Christianity, even till today, what was done by the whites still lingers on. Unity, peace and love to black people all over the world. This year is the year to end all injustices to all black people. Listen to 'My block' by Tupac. 
The beginning of this message states that God sent Jesus to save us, this message is blasphemy. My African brothers and sisters, my black families all over the world, if you want something, you have to walk out of the house and take it, you will have to work for it. All religions on earth are money making machines, they don't care about your spiritualism, they don't care if you are going to hell or heaven. As a matter of fact there is no tangible proof that God exists or not. There is no proof that Jesus was the son of God or that Jesus was God who came to save humanity. It is just a beautiful story used to brainwash people while they get rich. Do your own research to come to your own conclusion. If you believe what people say without checking the facts, you will be used. Life is war, life is sacrifice, you asa  man or a woman has to fight for your own life, for your own survival. The creator, or God or Allah or Obasi (whatever name you call the Creator, is up to you) made different races and different people in the world for a reason. We are trying to understand something that we will never understand but what we can really do is to try to seek the knowledge and wisdom for ourselves so that we can live a more righteous life. There is no one way to live a life, each person, each human has the ability to live their life the way they want to. Bob Marley says 'stand up for your right'. The world is in chaos. People are suffering from injustice from their government or corporation or organization. Stand up, unite and bring justice to where ever you are. Life is war. Fight for your right. The rise of black radicalism is here and it is beautiful. I love it because blacks are realizing what the white people stand for and what the government stands for. I love black radicalism, it is why I call myself black Hitler, Hitler was a radical and to survive in this crazy world, you will have to think like Hitler, like Alexander the great or like all the greats to become even more of a greater person. Black National Party, stand up, Pan-African Party movement stand up.

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