Saturday, April 4, 2015

Philosopher kings and queens- Spiritual leaders of Africa rise up.

Philosopher 'kings' or 'queens' also represent spiritual leaders. I Etchu John Ayuk Jr. is the spiritual leader of Africa. Africa is the next Empire that is rising, which is going to control the world. It is a future i have seen and it is a future that is going to be. There are going to be 106 spiritual leaders, men and women, an equilibrium in the law of Africa. The Universal Religions of Africa is here to uplift and teach the people of Africa, a sense of morality, leadership(true leadership not what the nowadays leaders of Africa are doing). Check out You will be mesmerized, you will be captivated, you will be taught the way of enlightenment. Africa suffers today because of lack of true leadership, lack of true brotherly and sisterly love, Africans do not care about their own brothers and sisters but U.R.A will teach you all of what you need to learn to survive and thrive in this world. Africa will stay forever and no one or country or continent will ever stop that.

Pan-Afrian-ism is the way forward but we have to respect each others tribes, cultures, religions and be more tolerant towards each other. U.R.A will bring the news for the people, by the people. The revolution must be televised but there is a different war we are fighting out there and it is known as mental warfare. Get to know it so that you can learn what you need to learn to adapt and survive. To adapt you must upgrade. Upgrade to the next big religion out there. U.R.A, a religion for choice by choice, a religion that will challenge everyone to think and make you look at life from different angles. There is more than one way to seek for GOD/ALLAH/OBASSI but you must open your mind and your brain; what God/Allah/Obassi gave you to use and survive. No one country can stand and survive in Africa. You can try but look at what happened in Libya, a great leader and a true king was taken down. If you seat idle and wait that is how each leader will be cut down. It is time for Africans and African leaders to realize that they all need each other, they need to support one another like Europe is doing, like the great United States of America is doing.

Sometimes in life to survive, you have to look at your surroundings and think, to realize what works. United States is powerful in the world because they are many states working as a big family, respecting the law. 50 States, a state in the United State is as equal to a country in Africa. Actually, those states are countries standing together, supporting each other and feeding from each other to survive and grow. Learn the tactics of survival-ship: Wolves survive because they protect each other, they hunt together, they feed together, they fight together and play together and when there is a problem they stand up together and defend themselves so that they can survive. Africa is a big continent and has so many countries, that is true, but we can still find ways to make things work instead of giving up.

The future leaders of the 21st century in Africa must think about this. Selling each other out to other countries for few millions is very stupid, foolish, and greedy. Africa is the richest continent in the world. We have been blessed and we do not need to suffer, but our greed, our selfishness towards ourselves is destroying us. Why would countries in Africa hire white men to come and coach their national football teams? paying them billions of money mean while we could entrust the job to our own brothers for less and give them the opportunity to try something different and see what happens. When will that happen? We have been paying billions to the white men to come and coach, which country in Africa has ever taken the world cup? I leave that question for you guys to figure out. Then we have African Muslims killing African Christians because they offer a different religion. Killing your brothers will not stop the white men from coming to Africa. We must work together respecting each others religion while creating a peaceful Africa. A more flourishing Continent for all Africans. It is time for change and U.R.A is here to make an influence in Africa.

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