Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pan-African Party Movement Supports Prince Ekosso, The Chairman Of USDP. United Socialist Democratic Party.

Dear greetings to you and those who share your passion and vision for Cameroon. For over 50 years all that has been asked of each generation of Cameroonians is to leave this country better off than the one we inherited. This is our solemn duty. Together, we can do better and we must. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
If I believe that I have your support and your commitment to help, I will run for President to lead this great country to a brighter future.

Objectives for a Transformed and Prosperous Cameroon.
1- De-intoxicate the minds and mentalities of cameroonians from the spirit of corruption: by instituting a high level of moral education in the management of State affairs and to live according to the fear of God almighty, the Creator of all things from whom all leadership should draw inspiration.

The abolition of the Federal Governance System in 1972 which intensified centralization and the co-optation of the English-Speaking Regions into the ambit of Francophone Centralized System was the beginning of the dramatic experiences which English-Speaking Cameroonians have endured for more than five (5) decades now. The identity of English-Speaking Cameroonians was further annihilated in 1984 under Law No. 84-1 of 4th February 1984, changing the name from United Republic of Cameroon to Republic of Cameroon (La Republic du Cameroun).
As a result, English-Speaking Cameroonians went into slumber and their citizenship rights degenerated into what has until now, been the violation of fundamental human rights and liberties. This tendency has persisted because of the reluctant character of the leadership in Cameroon to implement policies that guarantee the equality of all its citizens. This non-challant attitute of the current regime has given rise to a movement called SCNC whose objective is to seperate the Anglophones from La Republic du Cameroun.
I, together with the team of competent USDP members will therefore provide a leadership system whereby all Cameroonians, whether Anglophone or Francophone, will be respected and treated fairly, not because he/she is an Anglophone or Francophone, but beacuse he/she is a citizen of Cameroon.
The following is our proposal for a way forward to addressing the “Anglophone problem” in Cameroon for the benefit of the present and future generations of Cameroonians, most of whom are youths; thereby taking the time and the necessary steps to cast out this evil from our memory and our collective history.

A - The need for National Dialogue on Cameroonian identity

National dialogue will enable us to deal squarely with our colonial history and to definitely and positively overcome the trauma of colonization and failures of the reunification process to date. It will enable us to re-establish our linguistic diversity as an asset to the nation and an element of competitiveness in the global market. All stakeholders or protagonists should be present during this dialogue, including separatist Anglophone philosophers. It will be a time to listen to all complaints and recriminations to heal the wounds and find consensual solutions that allow us to move forward with a strong national identity.

The same dialogue will provide an opportunity to address also the issues of indigenous peoples and the issue of ethnic diversity that undermind our national identity.

B - Integration of the political history of Cameroon within the lifestyle of Cameroonians

Once we have faced our past, it will be important for it to be integrated into the daily lives of Cameroonians.
-In the educational system: It is necessary to integrate the struggle for independence and the truth about the reunification process in textbooks at the primary school levels. It is important to encourage research and theses on this period in our history in universities and exploit them for the ongoing construction of the nation of Cameroon. Language courses should be available to adults through the council municipalities.
-In government offices: Public services should be delivered in English or French throughout the national territory.

C-Effective Decentralization

To allow each region of the country to assert its own identity through a strong and united Cameroon, effective decentralization becomes an emergency. However , this decentralization will meet the aspirations of people in these different regions with key elements such as:

• Governors and some regional leaders who are elected and not appointed

• Equalization of all natural resources across the country so that the regions that produce the wealth to benefit adequately from these riches

• Establishing effective resources that allow people to hold local officials accountable for their development

D - A true cultural strategy valuing our diversity in all its forms

At the end of the national dialogue, it is important to implement a strategy valuing our cultural history and diversity that produces effective results. This diversity is an asset and a competitive advantage for Cameroon. We will set up a National Programme for Culture which will carry effective reflection on how to make this sector work. Here are some possibilities:
Establishment of a one house of culture in each region that values:
- Regional
- Culture
- Bilingualism
- Cultural exchange with other regions
Erection of monuments to the heroes and heroines of our independence struggle in our cities
Establishment of tours with the theme: The struggle for independence and reunification of Cameroon.
Financing of films, books and other artistic productions which are used to inform, instruct, and educate about our history and our linguistic and ethnic diversity.
There are certain truths which we can not pretend to ignore among Cameroonians. They may have dated even before some of the younger generation in this country were born, yet, it remains a disturbing factor to the historical evolution of Cameroon.
A - Official Returning and State burial of the Mortal Remains of Late President AMADOU AHIDJO
Many Cameroonians now understand the significant post – colonial role which this great leader and technocrat played in securing unity, peace and national sovereignty. It is true that his regime was characterised by many lapses, yet, his image and leadership legacies can not be over-looked.
His exile, death and burial out of Cameroon still remain a myth in the minds of both the older and younger generation of Cameroonians, most of whom still regard him as one of the founding fathers of post – colonial development in Cameroon. Therefore, ostracizing a national figure in this manner is still a bitter peal many Cameroonians find difficult to swallow. Offering a legal and legitimate State funeral to Late President Amadou AHIDJO, we believe, will go a long way in establishing regional and national satisfaction.
The commission will arrange for the official return and burial of his mortal remains. As mentioned earlier, the mortal remains will be given State honour and eventual burial in an official State Memorial Ground (SMG). This State Memorial Ground will from thenceforth serve as a National Burial Ground (NBG) for all High State Officials who distinguished themselves in their service for the nation.
B – The Commission shall also identify close relatives of the former Presidents whose children can not go to school because of lack of sponsorship.
These children shall be offered government scholarships to study or continue their academic career, and will subsequently be provided jobs by the State.

C – The Commission shall also be responsible for identifying members of families of those who lost their lives during the struggle for independence of Cameroon.
With special focus given to Um Nyobe, Ernest Wanji, Felix Moumie and others, with their effigies erected at strategic locations in the national territory. And they shall be officially declared National Heroes.
Through the Good Governance Programme that shall be put in place, USDP will do everything possible to encourage the members and especially children hailing directly from those whose lives were snuffed out of them because of their patriotic inclination. These children shall be provided with scholarships and the means to improve their academic, social, economic, and material lives.
The Commission shall alongside the Ministry of External Relations and the Diaspora, and with the collaboration of various Cameroonian Embassies abroad, arrange for the systematic return of those who were forced to leave Cameroon against their will for political reasons, and who voluntarily choose to return to their home country – Cameroon. In the same vain, the question of double nationality shall be studied and appropriate decisions made for the full adoption of the law that provides double nationality for all Cameroonians who have taken up nationality in other countries.

Upon our instructions, the commission shall work out judicial procedures for the granting of Amnesty to prisoners whose crimes are typically political in character. Their integration into the civil society shall be immediate without any prejudice or stigmatisation. This is because Cameroon needs men and women of diverse political, social, economic and intellectual views. Therefore, there is no time to waste in domestic and international tribunals to condemn persons simply because their political, economic or social thought-pattern differs from what we have generally classified as political or societal norms.
We have to move this nation forward. Therefore, we announce to every Cameroonian, Christians and Muslims, North or South, East or West, intellectual or non-intellectual, freeman and slave, oppressor and oppressed, the time to build Cameroon has come. And every body is very important and nobody is less important to the task that lies ahead of us. Don’t wait for the change, be the change.
6 - Redefine our economic strategies for development through the application of a proper monetary system, (creation of a national currency).

7 - Redefine the educational system in Cameroon by harmonising both the angloxazone and French system of education, so as to bring out the true spirit of national unity and to produce a citizenry that understands its socio-cultural, economic and political history, and to use the various national features to initiate development.

8 - Fustering regional balance development through the development of both natural and human resources at the regional levels, so as to resolve the problem of rural exodus (Effective Decentralization).

9 - Resolves the difficulty in housing conditions of Cameroonians and the cogestion in our towns and cities. This problem will be solved through the strict application of a modern method of town planning system which I will introduce when I am President.

10 - Resolve the problem of insecurity in Cameroon by developing new strategies to assure the security of persons and properties through out the national territory. Apply a system of security where every Cameroonian will become a reporter of evil practice, and also train our military and police personels in modern technological ways of combating insecurity and terrorism.

11 - Improve the road network and create more accessible roads around the national territory so as to permit local transactions to main cities without stress, thereby, provoking an economic fast turnovers at individual and collective levels.

12 – Resolve the burden of high taxes in Cameroon, especially on national private enterprises so as to increase productivity and encourage exportation.

13 – Transform and restore the spirit of research in science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and to lower its cost. Most of our people, especially the poor, die because of lack of good medical attention and lack of medical specialized personels and equipments. We will collaborate with Cameroonian medical personels who will be able to transfer modern medical technics to our hospitals and create a viable medical system that respond to the critical health issues of our population.
14 – Transform our schools and colleges and universities so as to meet the demands of a new and growing generation of Cameroonians.

15 – We pledge to work alongside with regional and local authorities to revamp the agricultural domain, make farmers to flourish through the application of modern technological methods in farming so as to increase productivity. Thereby, resolving the problem of food shortages in the nation of Cameroon and to export to neighboring nations.

16 – Resolving the problem of double nationality in the Cameroon Constitution, by the passing of a special Bill to legalize and legitimate double nationality for all Cameroonians. So as to enable those Cameroonians who have acquired other nationality and who desire to come back to Cameroon with great investments to do so without any constraints. All these we can do, and all these we will do.
Prince Michael NGWESE EKOSSO
President and founder of United Socialist Democratic Party (USDP)
President of Cameroon Pace Setters Association (CPSA)
Vice President, Cameroon Field Extension Mission (CAFEM) CIG
The Apostolic Church Cameroon
Obili Yaounde
P.O.Box 1839
Yaounde, Cameroon
Tel: +237 675514817 / 695859721

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