Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pan-African Party Movement Supports USDP. The Social Contract To Cameroonians.United Socialist Democratic Party (USDP)


Our proposed social contract to Cameroonians!

- Creating a balance in regional development so as to resolve the problem of rural exodus (Effective Decentralization).
- Resolve the problem of insecurity in Cameroon by developing new strategies to assure the security of persons and properties through out the national territory .
- Redefine our systems and strategy towards economic growth.
- Resolve the burden of high taxes in Cameroon especially on small and medium enterprises.
- Resolve the difficulty in housing conditions of Cameroonians and congestion in our towns and cities.
- Transform and restore the spirit of research in science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and to lower its cost.
- Transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new and growing generation.
- Pledging to work alongside with you to make your farms flourish through the application of modern technological methods in farming.
-  Improve the road networks and create more accessible roads around the national territory.
-  Resolve the problem of double nationality in the Constitution.
    All this we can do, all this we will do!

Contact Information

     +237 75 51 48 17 / +237 75 35 61 22
Postal address
     P.O. Box 31237 Yaounde
Electronic mail
     General Information:

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