Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Philosopher King Etchu John Ayuk Jr. On "ETHICAL EGOISM".

The Philosopher King Etchu John Ayuk Jr. On "ETHICAL EGOISM". 

Ethical egoism is “the doctrine that states that it is always our duty to act exclusively in our self-interest, the opposite of ethical egoism is altruism. Altruism is defined as “the principle or practice of unselfish concern for the welfare of others. It is the philosophical doctrine that right action is that which produces the greatest benefits to others.” When applied, Ethical egoism is an objectivist point of view, “it is the philosophy that the proper life for rational beings is the pursuit of their happiness. Altruism is applicable to the greatest benefits of the majority, as in the group. In altruism, all that comes first is the happiness of the group or the majority meanwhile in ethical egoism, one’s happiness is number one. For me, ethical egoism is better compare to altruism because as an individual, one must think for thy self first. If one does not survive, one will not thrive or succeed in the society, then what will be the point of life or what will be the point in living? Ethical egoism values the individual first. It forces the individual to think for himself or herself and act based on what is more logical and what is right for themselves.

Ethical egoism explores the moral code of a particular individual. That individual could be me or it could be anyone. There is universal ethical egoism which is a theory that states that “everyone ought to act always to serve his or her own self-interest.” I believe in universal ethical egoism because when I observe the world there are many things that occur within the mind frame of a human being. Many instances, people have done something wrong or something evil and when they get caught, they make excuses like: "the devil forced me". To me, the devil did not force them, they acted on their own. I believ that they made a rational decision which was a wrong decision which led to them being caught. When individuals apply ethical egoism universally, it promotes individual wellbeing and universal wellbeing in general. It is fair to state that man is a rational being and rational beings use their rationality to pursue their life style which brings happiness to them. Through rationality it is also fair to state that we have a moral obligation to help serve and benefit from one another, but to sacrifice our self-interest and even our life for other human beings which is literally the definition of Altruism, is where I personally disagree and where ethical egoism and altruism clashes. To sacrifice one’s self for the race goes against ethical egoism, it goes against nature. We as human beings were born to survive and thrive. It is illogical and not practical to sacrifice yourself to the point where one will be pronounced dead. According to Ayn Rand, “a being who does not hold his own life as the motive and goal of his actions, is acting on the motive and standard of death.” Ayn Rand even went further to state that “Such a being is a metaphysical monstrosity, struggling to oppose, negate and contradict the fact of his own existence, running blindly amuck on a trail of destruction, is capable of nothing but pain.”

Ethical egoism is a value system which needs to be incorporated within the lives of every human being on earth to enhance their livelihood. Louis P. Pojman defines ethical egoism as "utilitarianism reduced to the pinpoint of the single individual ego. Instead of advocating the greatest happiness for the greatest number, as utilitarianism does, it advocates the greatest happiness for myself, whoever it may be.” James Rachels defines ethical egoism as, "a doctrine that states it is always our duty to act exclusively in our self-interest.” From the website, it defines ethical egoism as “a normative or prescriptive doctrine that each individual should seek as an end only in that individual’s own welfare.” From the last statement above which states ethical egoism is a normative or prescriptive doctrine which each individual should seek as an end only, that individual’s own welfare, I will elaborate more, because it is the heart of ethical egoism. For example let’s just think big. Let’s apply ethical egoism in a universal perspective. Every human being should be concerned about their survival, if they want to live a better live. What ethical egoism is saying is that every human being should use his or her mind to solve the problems which they face so that they can survive. For example Isis is making many enemies which will not lead to them surviving because their actions have caused the lives of others. This action will lead to their demise. To have self-interest does not mean to be selfish or greedy but it means to put yourself first. To have self-interest also has to do with working with others to enhance your self-interest which leads to your survival. To seek as an end means as an individual one wants to be treated with the respect and dignity that any human being requires.

When studying ethical egoism, one can’t understand it without looking into psychological egoism. The psychological egoist tries to understand the mindset of individuals with ethical egoism. According to “psychological egoism is the empirical doctrine that determines that the motive of every intended action is a desire for one’s own welfare.” James Rachels defines psychological egoism as “a theory of human nature concerned with how people do behave. psychological egoism says that people do in fact always pursue their own interests.” Actions which are self-interest are not necessary selfish. These are examples of self-interest, to obey the laws or to exercise and even to enroll in universities. These acts are not only self-interest; they also help to create a better future for one’s self. By obeying the law one will not have to deal with the police or the justice system. Physical exercising leads to a better health and to enroll in college, one creates a better stand in education.

Ethical egoism is a virtue for human beings. when practiced more by humans; it leads to a more enjoyable and exhilarating life. Ethical egoism helps to touch or reach out for the hearts and the mind of humans. When the mind and the hearts are aligning as one, mankind could move mountains or do the impossible. Each action carried out by those who practice ethical egoism is not selfish but practices self-interest which makes a big difference. Survival is the key for ethical egoism which leads to a more prosperous life. Our minds were given to us by our creator for a purpose and when we discover the purpose we have to use our minds to survive and thrive and if we don’t it will be disadvantageous to us.

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