Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stephen Gule States That Putin Is Perfect For Proxy Wars, The Guy Is Super Brillant, Good Enough To Counter Every Overt And Covert Aggression, We As Africans Need Russia For Counter Balance In Weapons And Nuclear Bullying For Insurance. So African Leaders Support Russia And Stand With Russia.

        Putin is perfect for proxy wars, the guy is super brilliant, good enough to counter every overt and covert aggression. We need Russia for counter balance in weapons and nuclear bullying insurance. Economy, money and resources without a good defense system, is nothing!
We are faced with powers that:
  • Have an insatiable appetite for resources; promoting environmental menace, 
  • Impose their own political order at every whim, 
  • Promote a culture that is exploitative, bitchy, bloody and deceptive from ours 
     If we do not defend our own welfare, then we become statistics in the global hegemony game. Imperialists have no boundaries, they are wasteful in terms of natural and human resources because:
-they live in a hype, 
-demand for all sorts of entertainment, 
-lead a bloody lifestyle with a powerful image to maintain, 
-they kill for sport, entertainment and power,
We must remain vigilante.

Written By Stephen Gule.

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